Frequently asked - we have an answer
We have summarized the most frequently asked questions and the most important points for you in a FAQ. If you have any further questions, please contact us directly via the contact form.
What is Warespace?
Warespace is a digital corporate logistics startup of CargoLine that networks more than 120 warehouses of our logistics partners in Europe and offers decentralized storage to key accounts. We take over the entire supply chain process and act as the initial contract partner.
At which locations is Warespace active?
Warespace has 120 locations in Europe, distributed in 27 countries by 18 medium-sized logistics companies.
Wie kann ich Warespace benutzen?
Nehmen Sie einfach direkt über unsere Website Kontakt mit uns auf, um Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen zu besprechen. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne bei der Integration in Ihre bestehenden Systeme.
How does Warespace work?
Our system can be seamlessly integrated into all common store and ERP systems via API interfaces. In addition, you get access to our webapp, which gives you suggestions for streamlining and making your supply chain more efficient. The Warespace aware system takes care of the entire logistics processes for you and can be integrated into all common ERP and store systems.
What advantages does Warespace offer?
Warespace offers you a single point of contact for your supply chain processes. With just one point of contact to handle the entire process for you, you can save time and money. Plus, our webapp enables a more efficient and streamlined supply chain.
What is decentralized storage at Warespace?
With the added value of our network of 18 strong logistics partners, your goods can be smartly distributed across the fulfillment network so you benefit from cost efficiencies. Through this innovative decentralized storage approach, we enable you to store your goods as close as possible to the point of use.
What logistics processes does Warespace handle?
We take care of the entire supply chain process, starting with the storage of your products through to delivery to your customers. In doing so, we act as a first-contract partner and thus offer you a central contact for all matters relating to your logistics.
How secure is my inventory at Warespace?
We work exclusively with selected and certified logistics partners to ensure safe storage of your products. In addition, we have comprehensive insurance for all stored goods.
Can I also use Warespace for my specific requirements?
Our system can be seamlessly integrated into all common store and ERP systems via API interfaces, which allows us to customize specific requirements. Feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.